Dr. Fisher Yu of University of Arkansas Awarded Optica Fellow for Pioneering Contributions in Optics and Photonics
University of Arkansas: Dr. Fisher Yu, a distinguished researcher from the University of Arkansas, has been honored with the prestigious title of Optica Fellow for his outstanding contributions to the field of optics and photonics. Dr. Yu’s pioneering work in optical materials and devices has opened new frontiers in optical communication, sensing, and imaging technologies. His innovative research has not only expanded our fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions but has also led to significant societal impact. As an Optica Fellow, Dr. Yu joins a select group of leading scientists recognized for their excellence and leadership in advancing the field of optics and photonics.
Dr. Greg Sun Elected as Fellow of American Physical Society
Dr. Greg Sun has been elected as a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).
Dr. Greg Sun from the University of Massachusetts Boston, has been honored with election as a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Dr. Sun’s remarkable contributions to the fields of semiconductor optoelectronics, silicon photonics and nanophotonics have earned him this prestigious recognition. Through his innovative research and leadership, he has significantly advanced our understanding of complex materials and their properties, leaving an indelible mark on the scientific community.
Shui-Qing “Fisher” Yu: 2022 Faculty Distinguished Achievement in Research Award
Fayetteville, AR: Shui-Qing “Fisher” Yu, professor of electrical engineering, is being honored for his achievement in research. He joined the faculty at the College of Engineering in 2008. Yu is one of the most productive faculty members in the college.
His research productivity resulted in a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Award (MURI), totaling $7.5 million over five years, 2019-2024. This prestigious award from the U.S. Department of Defense is highly competitive and the first MURI received at the university. Further details can be found here.
Fisher Group Awarded 10.35 Million DOE EFRC Grant – September 20, 2022
Fayetteville, AR: The DoE established the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) program in 2009 as a means to fund promising proposals by institutions who aim to tackle challenges on the path to advancing energy technologies. This year the program awarded $400 million to selected research centers across the U.S. Among the approved proposals was one from the U of A titled “Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (μ-ATOMS). The principle investigator of this proposal is Dr. Fisher Yu and includes collaboration from our own U of A, Arizona State, George Washington University, Stanford, University of California Berkeley, Sandia National Labs, Dartmouth College, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Arkansas Pine Bluff and the University of Delaware. The proposal is fundamental research of short range ordering effects (SRO) in semiconductor materials. Essentially how atoms are arranged in these materials, how these arrangements affect the characteristics of these materials and how the SRO can be manipulated to achieve desirable materials for semiconductor device design. The award grants 10.35 Million over the course of 4 years subject to change based on annual congressional budgeting. The EFRC grant is an exciting opportunity and the Fisher Group and collaborators are eager to meet the challenge! More information about the EFRC grant can be found here at the DoE’s webpage.
Dr. Wei Du Joined UA to Strengthen SiGeSn Community – August, 2022
Fayetteville, AR: Former UARK Ph. D graduate and post doc Wei Du has returned to serve as a professor at BELL in the engineering department. Previously Dr. Wei Du had been working as an assistant professor at Wilkes University also in the electrical engineering department. We welcome back our long time college and collaborator back to UARK and will support him as he continues his excellent work as an educator and researcher. Good to have you back Wei Du!
Jifeng Liu Elected the Optical Society (OSA) Fellow – October 05, 2020
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH: Congratulations to collaborator Dr. Jifeng Liu of Dartmouth College on being elected as a fellow of The Optical Society (OSA). This distinction is reserved for OSA members that have made significant contributions to the fields of optics and photonics and have served with distinction. Liu is being recognized for his service and his specific contributions to germanium-based active photonic devices monolithically integrated on silicon. Dr. Liu has received numerous awards in recognition of his quality service and contributions including: the Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Gold Award, an award from the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Excellence in Teaching Award from Dartmouth college. Great work Jifen Liu! Further details can be found here.
Successful Completion of First Annual Review Meeting – October 05, 2020
Fayetteville, AR: On October 5th the first of the MURI Annual Review Meetings was hosted via Zoom conference call in adherence with social distancing restrictions. These meetings mark yearly milestones since the beginning of the research effort in 2019. Representatives from all collaborating universities: The University of Arkansas, Dartmouth College, Arizona State University, The George Washington University and The University of Massachusetts Boston presented their operating status to project evaluators. Collaborators presented an overview of their work to date in spite of the challenges presented by the pandemic and gave projections on what they aimed to complete in the coming year. The demonstration of the first electrically injected GeSn laser by the Fisher Yu group was one of the many research highlights that reflected the efficacy of the work to date. The review demonstrated that the research effort is on track despite the challenges and collaborators have laid out clear next steps in order to continue to meet milestones until the next review in 2021.
Second Annual Review Meeting – November 02, 2021
Fayetteville, AR: The anniversity of the beginning of the MURI reseach effort is approaching. On the 2nd of November the Second Annual Review meeting will be conducted virtually on Zoom to comply with University guidelines for meeting and assembly during the ongoing Covid-19 situation. The invite only meeting will feature updates and progress made in the research effort to date as well as insight and projections of the work to be completed in the year to come.
First Annual Review Meeting – October 05, 2020
Fayetteville, AR: The anniversity of the beginning of the MURI reseach effort is approaching. On the 5th of October the First Annual Review meeting will be conducted virtually on Zoom to comply with University guidelines for meeting and assembly during the ongoing Covid-19 situation. The invite only meeting will feature updates and progress made in the research effort to date as well as insight and projections of the work to be completed in the year to come.
SMART Scholar Award- April 2020
Fayetteville, AR: Justin Rudie was recently awarded the Department of Defense’s Science Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Fellowship. This competitive scholarship opportunity provides recipients with full academic funding for up to five (5) years contingent on agreeable terms of required service repayment scheme equal to the number of years funded upon graduation. Recipients are funded by a supporting facility (Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane) where they will intern during the summers working alongside DoD scientists and engineers. Visit link for award details…..
MURI Kick-Off Meeting – October 17 – 18, 2019
Fayetteville, AR: Our MURI award kick-off meeting was held at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. In attendance are representatives from the collaborating universities, defense research laboratories as well as invited industry professionals. The $7.5 million grant kick-off meeting featured on-site facility tours, project research scope definition as well as strategic directives and expectations from principal investigators and program managers. See link for official university press release for further details.
Award Announcement – Press Release
Below are the links to the official DoD and collaborating university press release:
University of Massachussetts, Boston
Dr. Greg Sun named OSA Fellow
Team MURI heartily congratulates Prof. Greg Sun for his meritorious contributions to the field of optics and photonics. He was recently named fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and we are all here for it. The award constitutes select few OSA members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics. No more than 10 percent of the total OSA membership may be Fellows at any given time, making each year’s honorees a highly selective group. Quite an accomplishment, Prof!