12. Boxiao Cao, Shunda Chen, Xiaochen Jin, Jifeng Liu and Tianshu Li. “Short–range order in GeSn
alloy”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12, 57245, (2020) (MURI full support).
11. S. V. Kondratenko, S. S. Derenko, Yu. I. Mazur, H. Stanchu, A. V. Kuchuk, V. S. Lysenko, P. M.
Lytvyn, S.–Q. Yu, and G. J. Salamo. “Impact of defects on photoexcited carrier relaxation
dynamics in GeSn thin films“. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 6, 065702, (2020)
(Partially supported by the MURI project).
10. De Leonardis, R. A. Soref, V. Passaro. “Design of an on–Chip Room Temperature Group–IV
Quantum Photonic Chem/Bio Interferometric Sensor Based on Parity Detection“. Nanomaterials
10 (10), 1984, (2020) (Partially supported by the MURI project).
9. H. V. Stanchu, A. V. Kuchuk, Yu. I. Mazur, J. Margetis, J. Richter, S.–Q. Yu, and G. J. Salamo.
“X–ray diffraction study of strain relaxation, spontaneous compositional gradient, and dislocation
density in GeSn/Ge/Si(100) heterostructures“. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 35,
075009, (2020) (MURI full support).
8. Hryhorii V. Stanchu, Andrian V. Kuchuk, Yuriy I. Mazur, Joe Margetis, John Tolle, Shui–Qing
Yu, and Gregory J. Salamo. “Strain suppressed Sn incorporation in epitaxial GeSn/Ge/Si(001)
heterostructures“. Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 232101, (2020) (MURI full support).
7. Seyedeh Fahimeh Banihashemian, J. M. Grant, Abbas Sabbar, Huong Tran, Oluwatobi
Olorunsola, Solomon Ojo, Sylvester Amoah, Mehrshad Mehboudi, Shui–Qing Yu, Aboozar
Mosleh, and Hameed A. Naseem. “Growth and characterization of low–temperature Si1–xSnx on
Si using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition“. Optics Materials Express, 10, 9, 2242–
2253, (2020) (MURI for major support).
6. Y. Li, Z. Song, Z. Li, G. Sun, C. S. Tan, W. Fan, and Q. J. Wang. “Theoretical design of mid–
infrared interband cascade lasers in SiGeSn system“. New J. Phys., 22, 083061, (2020) (Partially
supported by the MURI project).
5. C.–H. Tsai, B.–J. Huang, R. A. Soref, G. Sun, H. H. Cheng, and G.–E. Chang. “GeSn resonant–
cavity–enhanced photodetectors for efficient photodetection at the 2μm wavelength band“. Opt.
Lett., 45, 1463–1466, (2020) (Partially supported by the MURI project).
4. Yiyin Zhou, Yuanhao Miao, Solomon Ojo, Huong Tran, Grey Abernathy, Joshua M. Grant,
Sylvester Amoah, Gregory Salamo, Wei Du, Jifeng Liu, Joe Margetis, John Tolle, Yong–Hang
Zhang, Greg Sun, Richard A. Soref, Baohua Li, and Shui–Qing Yu. “Electrically injected GeSn
lasers on Si operating up to 100 K“. Optica, 7, 924–928, (2020) (MURI partial support).
3. F. De Leonardis, R. Soref, M. De Carlo and V. M. N. Passaro. “On–chip group–IV Heisenberg–
limited Sagnac interferometric gyroscope at room temperature“. Sensors, 20, 3476, (2020)
(Partially supported by the MURI project).
2. R. Soref, “N x N x Mλ electro–optical nanobeam wavelength–multiplexed cross–connect switches
using push–push addressing“. Optics Express, 28, 17, 25060–25072, (2020) (Partially supported
by the MURI project).
1. D. Gostimirovic, F. De Leonardis, R. Soref, V. M. N. Passaro, and W. N. Ye. “Ultrafast electro–
optical disk modulators for logic, communications, optical repeaters, and wavelength converters“.
Optics Express, 28, 17, 24874–24888, (2020) (Partially supported by the MURI project).
27. Grant J, Abernathy G, Olorunsola O, Ojo S, Amoah S, Wanglia E, Saha SK, Sabbar A, Du W,
Alher M, Li B–H, Yu S–Q, “Growth of Pseudomorphic GeSn at Low Pressure with Sn
Composition of 16.7%“, Materials. 14(24), 7637 (2021). (MURI full support).
26. Xiaochen Jin, Shunda Chen, and Tianshu Li. “Short–range order in SiSn alloy enriched by
second–nearest–neighbor repulsion“. Phys. Rev. Materials, 5, 104606, (2021) (MURI full support).
25. Serhiy Kondratenko, Petro Lytvyn, Andrian Kuchuk, Fernando Maia de Oliveira, Hryhorii
Stanchu, Volodymyr Lysenko, Marcio D. Teodoro, Serhiy Malyuta, Shui–Qing Yu, Yuriy I.
Mazur, and Gregory Salamo, “Conductivity–Type Conversion in Self–Assembled GeSn Stripes on
Ge/Si(100) under Electric Field“, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 3, 10, 4388–4397 (2021). (Partially
supported by the MURI project).
24. Tyler McCarthy, Zheng Ju, Stephen Schaefer, Shui–Qing Yu, and Yong–Hang Zhang,
“Momentum(k)–Space Carrier Separation Using SiGeSn Alloys for Photodetector Applications“, J.
Appl. Phys. 130, 223102 (2021). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
23. Xiaochen Jin, Shunda Chen, and Tianshu Li, “Short–ranged order in SiSn alloy enriched by
second–nearest–neighbor repulsion“, Physical Review Materials 5, 104606 (2021). (Fully
supported by MURI).
22. Grey Abernathy, Yiyin Zhou, Solomon Ojo, Bader Alharthi, Perry C. Grant, Wei Du, Joe
Margetis, John Tolle, Andrian Kuchuk, Baohua Li, and Shui–Qing Yu, “Study of SiGeSn/GeSn
single quantum well toward high–performance all–group–IV optoelectronics“, Journal of Applied
Physics 129, 093105 (2021) (MURI partial support).
21. Hryhorii V Stanchu, Andrian V Kuchuk, Yuriy I Mazur, Krishna Pandey, Fernando M de
Oliveira, Mourad Benamara, Marcio D Teodoro, Shui–Qing Yu, and Gregory J Salamo,
“Quantitative Correlation Study of Dislocation Generation, Strain Relief, and Sn Outdiffusion in
Thermally Annealed GeSn Epilayers“, Cryst. Growth Des. 21, 1666−1673, (2021). (MURI full
20. Derenko, S. Kondratenko, O. Datsenko, Yu. I. Mazur, Shui–Qing Yu, and G. J. Salamo “Lateral
photoconductivity of GeSn alloys“, Proc. SPIE 11680, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic
Devices XXIX, 1168008, (2021). (MURI partial support).
19. E. Chang, S.–Q. Yu, J. Liu, H. H. Cheng, R. A. Soref, and G. Sun, “Achievable performance of
uncooled homojunction GeSn mid–infrared photodetectors“, IEEE Selected Topics in Quantum
Electronics (published online, doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2021.3065204.) (MURI partial support)
18. Y. Chang, R. Bansal, K.–C. Lee, G. Sun, R. Soref, H. H. Cheng, and G.–E. Chang, “Planar GeSn
lateral p–i–n resonant–cavity–enhanced photodetectors for short–wave infrared integrated
photonics“, Optics Letters 46, 3316–3319, (2021). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
17. D. Hsieh, J.–H. Lin, R. A. Soref, G. Sun, H. H. Cheng, and G.–E Chang, “Electro–absorption
modulation in GeSn alloys for wide–spectrum mid–infrared applications“, Communications
Materials 2, 40, (2021). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
16. Z Ying and R Soref, “Electro–optical logic using dual–nanobeam Mach–Zehnder interferometer
switches“, Optics Express 29 (9), 12801–12812, (2021). (Partially supported by the MURI
15. Gostimirovic, R. Soref, and N. Y. Winnie, “Resonant bistable 2× 2 crossbar switches using dual
nanobeams clad with phase–change material“, OSA Continuum 4 (4), 1316–1325, (2021).
(Partially supported by the MURI project).
14. F. De Leonardis, V. M. N. Passaro, “Compact resonant 2× 2 crossbar switch using three coupled
waveguides with a central nanobeam“, Optics Express 29 (6), 8751–8762, (2021). (Partially
supported by the MURI project).
13. Olorunsola, O.; Stanchu,H.; Ojo, S.; Pandey, K.; Said, A.;Margetis, J.; Tolle, J.; Kuchuk,
A.;Mazur, Y.I.; Salamo, G. and Shui–Qing Yu. “Impact of Long–Term Annealing
on Photoluminescence from Ge1–xSnx Alloys“, Crystals, 11, 905, (2021). (MURI full support).
41. Oluwatobi Olorunsola, Abdulla Said, Solomon Ojo, Hryhorii Stanchu, Grey Abernathy, Sylvester
Amoah, Samir Saha, Emmanuel Wangila, Joshua Grant, Sudip Acharya, Lucas Miller, Kyle
Rosler, Yue–Tong Jheng, Guo–En Chang, Baohua Li, Gregory J Salamo, Shui–Qing (Fisher)
Yu and Wei Du, “SiGeSn Quantum Well for Photonics Integrated Circuits on Si Photonics
Platform“: A Review, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55, 443001, (2022). (Partially supported by the
MURI project).
40. Xiaochen Jin, Shunda Chen, Tianshu Li, “Coexistence of two types of short–range order in Si–
Ge–Sn medium–entropy alloys“, Communications Materials 3:66, (2022). (MURI full support).
39. G. Sun, R. A. Soref, J. B. Khurgin, S.–Q. Yu, and Guo–En Chang, “Longwave IR lattice matched
L–valley Ge/GeSiSn waveguide quantum cascade detector“, Optics Express, 30, 23, 42385–42393,
(2022). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
38. Grey Abernathy, Solomon Ojo, Joshua M. Grant, Yiyin Zhou, Wei Du, Andrian Kuchuk, Baohua
Li, and Shui–Qing Yu, “Study of critical optical confinement factor for GeSn–based multiple
quantum well lasers“, Appl. Phys. Lett., 121, 171101 (2022). (Partially supported by the MURI
37. Shang Liu, Alejandra Cuervo Covian, Xiaoxin Wang, Cory T. Cline, Austin Akey, Weiling
Dong, Shui–Qing Yu, Jifeng Liu, “3D Nanoscale Mapping of Short–Range Order in GeSn Alloys“,
Small Methods, 6, 2200029, (2022). (MURI full support).
36. Solomon Ojo, Yiyin Zhou, Sudip Acharya, Nicholas Saunders, Sylvester, Amoah, Yue–Tong
Jheng, Huong Tran, Wei Du, Guo–En Chang, Baohua Li, Shui–Qing Yu, “Silicon–based
electrically injected GeSn lasers“, Proc. SPIE 11995, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic
Devices XXX, 119950B (2022). (MURI full support).
35. Yiyin Zhou, Solomon Ojo, Chen–Wei Wu, Yuanhao Miao, Huong Tran, Joshua M. Grant, Grey
Abernathy, Sylvester Amoah, Jake Bass, Gregory Salamo, Wei Du, Guo–En Chang, Jifeng Liu,
Joe Margetis, John Tolle, Yong–Hang Zhang, Greg Sun, Richard A. Soref, Baohua Li, and
Shui–Qing Yu, “Electrically injected GeSn lasers with peak wavelength up to 2.7 μm“, Photon.
Res. 10, 222–229 (2022). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
34. Kuchuk A, Lytvyn P, Mazur Yu, Stanchu H, Kondratenko S, Oliveira F, Malyuta S, Teodoro M,
Benamara M, Yu S–Q, Salamo G, “Sn–guided self–grown Ge stripes banded by GeSn Nanowires:
Formation mechanism and electric–field–induced switching from p– to n–type conduction“, Applied
Surface Science. 604, 154443 (2022). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
33. Oluwatobi Olorunsola, Solomon Ojo, Grey Abernathy, Yiyin Zhou, Sylvester Amoah, P C Grant,
Wei Dou, Joe Margetis, John Tolle, Andrian Kuchuk, Wei Du, Baohua Li, Yong–Hang Zhang
and Shui–Qing Yu, “Investigation of SiGeSn/GeSn/SiGeSn single quantum well with enhanced
well emission“, Nanotechnology. 33, 085201 (2022). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
32. Oluwatobi Olorunsola, Hryhorii Stanchu, Solomon Ojo, Emmanuel Wangila, Abdulla Said,
Mohammad Zamani–Alavijeh, Gregory Salamo, Shui–Qing Yu, “Optical and structural properties
of GeSn/SiGeSn multiple quantum wells for infrared optoelectronics“, Journal of Crystal Growth.
588, 126675 (2022). (MURI full support).
31. Oluwatobi Olorunsola, Abdulla Said, Solomon Ojo, Grey Abernathy, Samir Saha, Emmanuel
Wangila, Joshua Grant, Hryhorii Stanchu, Sudip Acharya, Wei Du, Yue–Tong Jheng, Guo–En
Chang, Baohua Li, Gregory Salamo, and Shui–Qing Yu, “Enhanced carrier collection efficiency
of GeSn single quantum well towards all–group–IV photonics applications“, Journal of Physics D:
Applied Physics. 55, 305101 (2022). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
30. Shang Liu, Alejandra Cuervo Covian, Jules A. Gardener, Austin Akey, Barnaby D.A. Levin,
Xiaoxin Wang, and Jifeng Liu, “Growth of α–Sn on silicon by a reversed β–Sn to α–Sn phase
transformation for quantum material integration“, Communications Materials 3, 17 (2022)
(Partially supported by the MURI project).
29. S. Ghosh, R. Bansal, G. Sun, R. A. Soref, H.–H. Cheng, and G.–E. Chang, “Design Considerations
of GeSn Waveguide Photodetectors for 2–μm Band Silicon Photonics“, Sensors 22, 3978 (2022)
(Partially supported by the MURI project).
28. C. Chang, H.–H. Cheng, G. A Sevison, J. R. Hendrickson, Z. Li, I. Agha, J. Mathews, R. A.
Soref, and G. Sun, “Power–Dependent Investigation of Photo–Response from GeSn–Based p–i–n
Photodetector Operating at High Power Density“, Materials 15, 989 (2022) (Partially supported
by the MURI project).
58. KM Anagnost, X Wang, J Liu, ER Fossum, 2023 International Image Sensor Workshop (IISW), “Towards Infrared Spectral Extension of CMOS Image Sensors”;
57. Kaitlin M. Anagnost, Xiaoxin Wang, Jifeng Liu, Eric R. Fossum, “Towards Infrared Spectral Extension of CMOS Image Sensors,” International Image Sensor Society (2023). (MURI full support)
56. Nirosh M. Eldose, Hryhorii Stanchu, Subhashis Das, Ilias Bikmukhametov, Chen Li, Satish Shetty, Yuriy I. Mazur, Shui-Qing Yu, Gregory J. Salamo, “Strain-Mediated Sn Incorporation and Segregation in Compositionally Graded Ge1-xSnx Epilayers Grown by MBE at Different Temperatures,”s Crystal Growth & Design 23, 7737-7743 (2023). (MURI full support)
55. Grey Abernathy, Solomon Ojo, Abdulla Said, Joshua M. Grant, Yiyin Zhou, Hryhorii Stanchu, Wei Du, Baohua Li, Shui‑Qing Yu, “Study of all-group-IV SiGeSn mid-IR lasers with dual wavelength emission,” Scientific Reports 13, 18515 (2023). (Partially supported by the MURI project).
54. Hryhorii Stanchu, Abdulla Said, Oluwatobi Olorunsola, Sudip Acharya, Sylvester Amoah, Mohammad Zamani-Alavijeh, Fernando M. de Oliveira, Santosh Karki Chhetri, Jin Hu, Yuriy I. Mazur, Shui-Qing Yu, Gregory Salamo, “Role of dislocations on Sn diffusion during low temperature annealing of GeSn layers,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 41, 52208 (2023). (MURI full support).
53. V.G. Chizmeshya, N. Masoumi, “Composition and strain dependence of intrinsic and substitutional defect formation energies in SnGe alloys,” Results in Surfaces and Interfaces 12, 100125 (2023). (MURI full support)
52. G.-E. Chang, S.-Q. Yu, and G. Sun, “GeSn Rule-23” for the Performance Limit of GeSn Infrared Photodiodes,” Sensors 23, 7386 (2023). (Partially supported by the MURI project)
51. S. Ghosh, G. Sun, T. A. Morgan, G. T. Forcherio, H. H. Cheng, and G.-E. Chang, “Dark Current Analysis on GeSn p-i-n Photodetectors,” Sensors 23, 7386 (2023) (Partially supported by the MURI project)
Under Review or In-Preparation
50. Guo–En Chang, Shui–Qing Yu, and Greg Sun, “GeSn Rule–23” for the Performance Limit of
GeSn Infrared Photodiodes”, submitted to IEEE Sensors.
49. Xiaoxin Wang, and Jifeng Liu, “Perspective of Si active photonics for data communication and
image imaging”, Draft in revision, Invited Perspective, Journal of Applied Physics.
48. A.V.G. Chizmeshya and N. Masoumi, “First Principles Study of the Structure, Thermodynamics
and Reaction Thermochemistry of Chlorinated Germaness, Stananes and their Radicals”, in
47. Song, W.-J. Fan, C. S. Tan, Q. Wang, D. Nam, D. H. Zhang, and G. Sun, “Strain effects on phase-filling singularities in the optical dielectric function of highly doped n-type Ge”, submitted to New Journal of Physics (Partially supported by the MURI project).
46. N. Masoumi and A.V.G. Chizmeshya, “Ab initio thermodynamics studies of stability of strained
Ge–Sn alloys”, in preparation.
45. N. Masoumi and A.V.G. Chizmeshya, “Thermodynamics of non–isomorphism in Si1–xSnx and
Ge1–xSnx alloys”, in preparation.
44. Nirosh M. Eldose, Calbi. Gunder, Hryhorii Stanchu, Chen Li, Fernando Maia de Oliveira, Yuriy
I. Mazur, Mourad Benamara, Shui–Qing Yu, Gregory J. Salamo, “Growth of Sn–rich Ge1–xSnx
nanostructures on InAs (001) substrate”, in preparation.
43. Hryhorii Stanchu, Nirosh M. Eldose, Chen Li, Shui–Qing Yu, Gregory Salamo, “X–ray
diffraction study of Sn incorporation in compositionally graded Ge1–xSnx epilayers grown by
MBE”, in preparation.
42. Solomon Ojo, Hryhorii Stanchu, Sudip Acharya, Abdulla Said, Sylvester Amoah, Mourad
Benamara, Chen Li, Fernando M. de Oliveira, Yuriy I. Mazur, Shui–Qing Yu, Gregory Salamo,
“Depth–dependent photoluminescence characteristic of GeSn/SiGeSn multi–quantum wells“,
Journal of Crystal Growth, 605, 127062, (2023). (MURI full support).
70. Shang Liu, Shangda Li, Jules A. Gardener, Austin Akey, Xiaoxue Gao, Xiaoxin Wang, and Jifeng Liu: “Phase-pure α-Sn quantum material on Si seeded by a 2 nm-thick Ge Layer” (being submitted to Nano Letters, March 2024).
69. Shang Liu, Yunfan Liang, Haochen Zhao, Nirosh M. Eldos, Jin-Hee Bae, Omar Concepcion, Ilias Bikmukhametov, Alejandra Cuervo Covian, Xiaoxin Wang, Cory T. Cline, Austin Akey, Yuping Zeng, Dan Buca, Gregory J. Salamo, Shui-Qing Yu, Shengbai Zhang, and Jifeng Liu. “Comparison of Short-Range Order in GeSn thin films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy vs. Chemical Vapor Deposition” (being submitted to Small Methods, March 2024) (Atom probe tomography analyses of some early CVD and MBE GeSn samples were supported under MURI)
68. M.-H. Chou, R. Bansal, Y.-T. Jheng, G. Sun, W. Du, S.-Q. Yu, and G.-E. Chang, “High-detectivity GeSn shortwave infrared photodetectors for sensitive infrared spectroscopy,” submitted to Advanced Optical Materials
67. Ghosh, G. Sun, S.-Q. Yu, and G.-E. Chang, “Impact of carrier momentum (k)-space separation on GeSn infrared photodetectors,” invited paper submitted to the focus issue of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.
66. Sylvester Amoah, Hryhorii Stanchu, Grey Abernathy, Serhii Kryvyi, Fernando M. De Oliveira, Yuriy I. Mazur, Shangda Li, Shang Liu, Jifeng Liu, Wei Du, Baohua Li, Gregory Salamo, Shui-Qing Yu, “The effects of ion implantation with arsenic and boron in germanium-tin layers,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Submitted (2/21/2024). (Partially supported by the MURI project)
65. Joshua Grant, Enbo Yang, Narges Masoumi, Alexander Golden, Joe Margetis, Andrew Chizmeshya, Wei Du, Shui-Qing Yu, “In Situ Mass Spectrometric Investigation to Probe GeSn Growth Dynamics and Mechanisms in the Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Submitted (2/21/2024). (Partially supported by the MURI project)
Under Review or In-Preparation
64. Shang Liu, Jin-Hee Bae, Xiaochen Jin, Shunda Chen, Omar Concepcion, Ilias Bikmukhametov, Jonathan D. Poplawsky, Alejandra Cuervo Covian, Xiaoxin Wang, Cory T. Cline, Austin Akey, Lilian M. Vogl, Haochen Zhao, Yuping Zeng, Andrew M. Minor, Dan Buca, Shui-Qing Yu, Tianshu Li, Jifeng Liu1* “ Atomic Short-Range Order in SiGeSn alloys” (Under revision to include new analyses and comparison with theoretical predictions). (SRO analyses method and Python code used in this paper was developed under MURI support).
63. Shang Liu, Shangda Li, Alejandra Cuervo Covian, Xiaoxin Wang, Jifeng Liu, “A metastable phase diagram for GeSn thin films and nanostructures”, In preparation (fully supported by MURI)
62. Shang Liu,Yi-Chuan Chou, Xiaoxin Wang, Eric Fossum, and Jifeng Liu, “Back-end-of-line Monolithic Integration of GeSn/Si Short-wave Infrared CMOS Image Sensors”, in preparation.
61. Shangda Li, Shang Liu, Sylvester Amoah, Hryhorii Stanchu, Grey Abernathy, Baohua Li, Xiaoxin Wang, Shuiqing Yu, “Implantation damage recovery and dopant activation in GeSn thin films”, in preparation.
60. Tyler T. McCarthy, Allison M. McMinn, Xiaoyang Liu, Razine Hossain, Xin Qi, Zheng Ju, and Yong-Hang Zhang. “Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth and Characterization of GePb alloy” under review Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Special Topics: SiGeSn
59. Agnieszka Anna Corley-Wiciak, Shunda Chen, Omar Concepción, Marvin Hartwig Zoellner, Detlev Grützmacher, Dan Buca, Tianshu Li, Giovanni Capellini, Davide Spirito, “Local alloy order in a Ge1-xSnx/Ge epitaxial layer”, in preparation, (2024).