Team Members

dr. shui-qing (fisher) yu

Principal Investigator (UA)

Professor of Electrical Engineering with 20 years of expertise on semiconductor optoelectronics, a recognized world leader of CVD grown SiGeSn and GeSn devices such as lasers and detectors both with world record performance, NSF CAREER awardee (2012), previously funded by NSF, DARPA, AFOSR, and NASA for different SiGeSn projects, with >90 journal papers. 

dr. greg salamo

Co-Principal Investigator (UA)

Distinguished professor of Physics, Director of Institute Nanoscale Materials,  Previous Co-director of NSF Material research center, expert of STM-MBE for III-V, Nitride, and Transition-metal-oxide  and MBE grown nanostructures, nonlinear optics, with a total of > 500 journal publications and 16273 citations.

Dr. hameed naseem

 Senior Personnel (UA)

Professor of Electrical Engineering. He established the Arkansas Advanced Photovoltaics Research Center at the University and was among the key faculty involved in the establishment of the High Density Electronics Center (HiDEC). He has published over 100 research papers in refereed journals and proceedings. He has received three U.S. patents and several are pending.

dr. Yong-hang zhang

Co-Principal Investigator (ASU)

Professor of E.E., Director of the Center for Photonics Innovation and ASU Nanofab, with >30 years of experience with MBE and optoelectronics.  He invented the first InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice (T2SL) MWIR lasers. In a recently concluded ARO MURI, he applied his Ga-free InAs/InAsSb T2SL invention for IR detectors and successfully demonstrated orders of magnitude increase in lifetimes in MWIR/ LWIR which substantially impacted on large DOD programs such as VISTA. He was also PI or co-PI of many DARPA, DOE, and NSF programs including three MURI (2 AFOSR, 1 Army).

dr. Jifeng liu

 Co- Principal Investigator (DARTH)

Associate Professor at Thayer School of Engineering. He has been working on crystallization of GeSn for 3D photonic integration since 2013 through his NSF CAREER award. He was the first to demonstrate GeSi electroabsorption modulators and optically pumped Ge lasers on Si, the latter being sponsored by AFOSR MURI. He has also contributed significantly to guided wave photodetectors for Si photonics. He has > journal papers and 14 U.S. patents. .

dr. andrew chizmeshya

Co- Principal Investigator (ASU)

Associate Professor in the School of Molecular Sciences, an established expert in the DFT and ab initio quantum chemistry simulation of optical, vibrational, electronic and thermoelastic properties solids, gases and liquids. He has recently developed new ab initio methods for calculating the thermodynamic stability of alloys, including stress vs T phase diagrams. He has published >150 papers with several dozen dealing with the synthesis and characterization of SiGeSn.


 Co-Principal Investigator (GWU)

associate professor, He is a theoretical material scientist who develops theory and modeling techniques for understanding materials behaviors. His work encompasses metal, alloy, semiconductors, 2D materials, interface, high-pressure, and nucleation kinetics. His publications have been cited over 6,000 times.


Co-Principal Investigator (UMB)

Professor and founding chair of the Engineering Department. He developed early theory on intersubband lasers – a precursor for the quantum cascade lasers. His theoretical work on GeSn laser, detector, and modulators were widely cited by the community. He has more than 150 peer reviewed journal papers           


 Senior Personnel (UMB)

He is currently a Research Professor of Engineering with the University of Massachusetts at Boston, Boston, MA, USA. He has authored or co-authored more than 540 papers, has written 11 book chapters, and holds 54 US patents. He is known as the “father of silicon photonics” for his visionary, fundamental contributions to the science and technology of silicon photonics.